Saturday, May 12, 2007

Breast Cancer Statistics

As the awareness of breast cancer increases, so does the availability of information on the disease to the general public. There has been much research done on the disease, which includes the statistics on its prevalence and survival rates. Below is an enumeration of these statistics.

Recent figures

Breast cancer has been proven to be the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women today. It is also the most common form of cancer among women. This trend is expected to continue. Studies conducted by the World Health Organization estimate that for 2006, there will be 1.2 million women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Studies have also shown that a woman?s chance of developing breast cancer during her lifetime is about 1 out of 7 or 13.4 percent. However, breast cancer is not restricted to women. Studies also estimate that thousands of men will be diagnosed with the disease.

With regard to death rates, it is estimated that the chance that breast cancer will be the cause for a woman?s death is about 1 in 33, or 3 percent. In recent years, the incidence of breast cancer death has declined. Doctors attribute these declines to early detection and new treatments.

Figures also show that the chance of having the disease increases with age. By the age of 30, the chance of having the disease is 1 out of 2,212. For women over the age of 80, the chance increases to 1 out of 8. However, the survival rates are less for younger women because they tend to have more aggressive forms of cancer. It has also been proven that white, Hawaiian and African-American women have the highest incidence of breast cancer as opposed to their Asian counterparts who have some of the lowest incidence rates.

Studies also show that early detection increases the survival rate by as much as 96 percent, especially for those women who detect breast cancer in its first stage. However, the survival rates for patients who have had the disease decreases after five years.

These figures tell us a number of things. One of these is that the key to surviving breast cancer is early detection. Another important thing is that women need to be aware of the risks that they face and that they should take preventive measures to mitigate the effects of this dreaded disease.

Breast Cancer provides detailed information on Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Treatments, Breast Cancer Symptoms, Cause Of Breast Cancer and more. Breast Cancer is affiliated with Hodgkins Lymphoma.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Male Breast Cancer

Most people believe that breast cancer only affects women; this is because most men are not aware that they are also at risk of getting the disease. Given this, men need to be aware of the symptoms and the ways they can handle the disease. Below is a discussion of some important information that men should know about breast cancer in men.


Some of the most obvious symptoms of breast cancer among men are breast lumps, swelling, dimpling around the breast area, nipple retraction, redness, scaling and nipple discharge. Given that men have less breast tissue than women do, these symptoms are more obvious in men and are more dangerous because the cancer can easily invade nearby tissues. However, most men ignore these symptoms.

Risk factors

One of the identified risk factors of developing the disease is advanced age. Men in their 60s are the most susceptible to the disease. Family history is also one risk factor that has been identified. Other risk factors include radiation exposure and a history of liver disease because liver diseases reduce androgen levels and raises estrogen levels in men, which make them susceptible to the disease. In this regard, men who have received estrogen treatments are also highly susceptible to the disease. Other factors include genetic mutations such as having Kleinfelter?s syndrome.

Treatment and survival rates

Breast cancer in men is diagnosed in the same way as women are diagnosed. With regard to treatment, there are a number of treatments available to men who have the disease. These include surgery (modified mastectomy), radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. Studies have also shown that the survival rates of men with breast cancer are similar to the survival rates among women.

Breast cancer also affects men and it is important that men be equipped with the right information about this disease. Having access to information can help men prevent, detect and seek treatment for male breast cancer, which is as deadly as breast cancer in women.

Breast Cancer provides detailed information on Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Treatments, Breast Cancer Symptoms, Cause Of Breast Cancer and more. Breast Cancer is affiliated with Hodgkins Lymphoma.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Mistletoe for Breast Cancer

Suzanne Somers used misteloe extracts to treat herself for breast cancer. According to her press releases and interviews, she used it along with various other forms of conventional care and natural cancer treatment. Suzanne has been very pleased with the outcome she obtained from the way her breast cancer was treated with a combination of conventional and natural cancer therapies. What is mistletoe, and how is it used?

Mistletoe is the leafy, flowering vine that is used for Christmas decorations. Perhaps its' most famous role in American society is the custom of kissing whoever stands beneath the mistletoe. Mistletoe blooms in winter. It appears to thrive in adverse situations such as cold weather. The variety of mistletoe most often utilized as homeopathic medication is the European mistletoe known as viscum album. Mistletoe vines grow on various trees, including pine, oak, and fruit trees. Some practitioners believe that viscum derived from vines grown on certain species of host trees imparts unique properties to the final medicinal preparation. Viscum preparations made from certain species of host trees are therefore utilized to treat specific types of cancers. The most commonly used variants are viscum mali from apple trees which is used for cancer in female patients, viscum quercus from the oak tree for cancers in men, and viscum pini from the pine tree which is given a mixed use, but is most famous for breast cancer.

Mistletoe extract is most often administered only by qualified physicians because it is potentially poisonous. The leaves and the berries of mistletoe are known to be poisonous. Since it is produced from extracts of the entire plant, an experienced medical practitioner is required to safely administer mistletoe extracts. The production of a type of mistletoe extract known as Iscador begins with the grinding of the entire mistletoe plant, which is then soaked in water. The mistletoe water extract is then fermented, and finally filtered to produce the final product. Scientific research indicated that Iscador may have at least two major mechanisms of action. A portion of the Iscador material seems to improve immune function. In particular, there is evidence that Natural Killer Cells, which are immune system cells thought to fight cancer, are increased in activity following the administration of Iscador. Another interesting potential effect of Iscador is to enhance the activity of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha, also implicated in natural anti-cancer activity by the immune system. Another portion of Iscador extract may directly change the way cancer cells function. Evidence from scientific studies suggest that Iscador may modify the internal metabolism of malignant cells in beneficial ways, including interfering with the growth of cancer cells. This may eventually prove to be Iscador's most important activity. However, more research is needed to elaborate on this possibility.

The common route of administration is by injection of the viscum just under the skin. As each day of therapy progresses, a more concentrated version is administered. After the first few daily doses, a red swelling often appears at the injection site. A short-term fever also is commonly seen with the daily injections. Many doctors theorize that this fever may play a positive role in the beneficial action of Iscador. After reaching the highest concentration of Iscador, the injections are often continued for a week or longer, depending upon the clinical situation as judged by the treating physician. The side effects of Iscador therapy can include low-grade fever, and redness and irritation at the injection sites.

What results have been observed in patients treated with Iscador? Reports of results are primarily anecdotal. In other words, they are the observations of physicians and others but are not part of a scientifically controlled medical trial or study. The observations suggest that Iscador is indeed a promising therapy. The website has related articles and scientific information on mistletoe and breast cancer generally. Mistletoe is probably the most promising of all the ancient natural cancer remedies. Because of the research being done on the medicinal value of this plant in Europe, it seems likely to soon become a part of the conventional armamentarium against breast cancer.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Value Of Exercise During Radiation Therapy For Breast And Prostate Cancer

Complementary medicine integrates non-Western treatment methods into mainstream medical practice. Examples include light exercise, guided imagery, massage, yoga, reiki, tai chi, acupuncture, music therapy, and art therapy.

In the oncology area, these modalities can help to reduce side effects and thereby enhance a person's physical and/or emotional tolerance to treatment. People thus feel better during what might otherwise be a very difficult period of cancer treatment.

Fatigue is a common symptom during cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It can stem from the underlying illness, insomnia/sleep deprivation, anxiety, and/or the cancer treatment itself. Helping people manage and reduce fatigue is an important component in enhancing their overall well-being. After all, oncologists strive to treat the whole person and not just the disease.

The mechanism of fatigue in radiation therapy is not known. Often, it is not purely radiation treatment induced, but rather, is due to one or more of the factors outlined above.

In people with breast and prostate cancer, the National Cancer Institute undertook a randomized controlled study of cancer related fatigue in 38 individuals. 27 were women with breast cancer and 11 were men with prostate cancer. All received at least 30 radiation treatments, five days a week for six weeks.

Baseline tests to assess fatigue, strength, and cardiovascular heath were performed before the people received radiation therapy. The study compared a half the people in the group who followed an exercise program to the half who were randomized to receive radiation therapy without exercise therapy.

The program consisted of moderate, home-based use of resistance bands and walking. Of the participants in the trial, the average age was 60. Half the people received chemotherapy and 84% endured surgery. Participants were enthusiastic and 95% of them completed the prescribed exercise course

The exercise group was required to take walks daily and to try to increase the number of steps taken each day. They wore pedometers and kept a diary. In addition, they were assigned to complete 11 resistance band exercises daily, performing one set of eight to 15 repetitions daily and gradually increasing to three to four sets. Results revealed an 82% increase in the number of steps walked daily and the use of resistance bands an average of 3 1/2 days per week for 20 minutes at a moderate intensity level.

Those who exercised maintained their stamina during radiation therapy and improved their aerobic capacity. Also, they were able to walk faster and further in only four weeks and they experienced less cancer related fatigue than the control group. In fact, the control subjects demonstrated a decline in their baseline muscle strength.

The mechanism by which exercise alleviates fatigue is not clear. Although this study is small and more clinical trials will be helpful, the results suggest that when exercise is non-burdensome, safe and feasible, it serves as an inexpensive, valuable tool in improving the quality of life of cancer survivors.

For more information about radiation therapy, visit , the website of The American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Breast Cancer Therapy - Avoids Stres And Multiplies Consumption Of VegetableHave ever been found patient suffering breast cancer as result of stress suffered. Really stress and there is no cause other. He is not at all has genetic disparity or folks suffering breast cancer. Condition of patient cancer the stays at stadium 2, mean possibility recovers or its(the a spark of life spread still enough lengths. But stress continuous experienced by makes it living on only until year second.

In consequence, stress cannot be paltered. Handling to stress must be done soon possibly, both for the preventing and also therapy for cancer patient. Other risk factor is menstruating at the age of early ( age 11 years downwards). Scientific scanning shows case number of breast cancer would be higher at man who is experiencing menstruates at age 11 years downwards is compared to them experiencing it is at the age of 13 years. Whereas menopause that is overdue and also has not married or have not borne also is risk factor. Consumption of Alcohol, smoking and consumption of drug containing estrogen hormone on a long term is a number of risk factors also. Other factor is descendant. Someone that his family contracted breasts cancer, hence she has the same risk. Gene mutation BRCA1 and BRCA2 has tightly bearing with breast cancer risk, ovary or both 50-85 % percent. Because of that, suggested if there is member of family hit by breast cancer hence member of other family must do inspection with mammography.

Woman with standard risk can do mammography at the age of 40 years upward. But woman with primary risk, especially with mutation BRCA1 and BRCA2, mammography better be started at the age of 25 years. Or at the age of 5 year is more young from member of family is young having breast cancer history. For example, if the sister suffers cancer at the age of 26 year, hence its ( the sister ) ? brother with mutation BRCA1 or BRCA2 is suggested to starts inspection of mammography at the age of 21 years.

There was no method that was certain to ward off or cure cancer.

There is none that prevented absolutely. But life pattern healthy and avoids stress is one of medium to pursue spreading of cancer cell and lengthens hope age life. Many vegetable consumptions and ascorbic acid, eliminates stress, avoids cigarette and doesn't too fat. A number of researches show consumption of fruits and vegetable can reduce breast cancer risk. The reason is, food from rich plant with antioxidant nutrient preventing damage of cells which able to cause cancer. Labors to consume very a few 5 portion of fruits or vegetable per day. Other research shows single unsaturated fat like olive can protect us from breast cancer, while saturated fat as there is in flesh and butter can increases risk. This told by David J. Hunter, MD., Director Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention in Boston.

The experts who observed the habit eating the patient and the healthy woman of breasts cancer also found the woman that Mengonsumsi steak well done (very ripe) was risky 4 times were higher was affected by this illness was compared that more liked Steak the medium, like that according to a research in 1998 that was contained in Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The research In 1997 that was published the medical English journal, The Lancet also found consumption of the soybean that often contained The compound phytoestrogen will reduce the risk of breasts cancer.

So whose spells out members breast cancer is anything end? Many ways which able to be done to live it up more length. One other important therapies, forgets that you are a breast cancer patient because increasingly you thought of it hence increasingly distress weight felt and increasingly light physical of you. So why must immerse in sorrow when still many other gladness ? joys is awaited your involvement.
Breast Cancer Sufferer - High Risky SuicideThe woman who had suffered breasts cancer had the risk of the suicide 37% higher compared with the woman who had not suffered breasts cancer, and the increase in this risk of continuing to take place at least till 25 years after the diagnosis, according to the report in the National Journal of the Cancer Institute.

The research beforehand researched concerning the risk of the suicide in the women who had suffered breasts cancer, but most did not research the long-term risk and not a single involved the woman in the United States (the USA), according to Dr. Catherine Schairer and his colleagues, from the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Maryland.

Their research involved one of the analyst's data from 723. 810 women who had suffered breasts cancer that was diagnosed suffered cancer between 1953 and 2001 and were included in the list of the inhabitants who suffered cancer in the USA and Scandinavia. In the further research until 2002, around 836 women among them carried out the suicide.

Compared with the public's population, the woman with breasts cancer had in general the suicide as big as 4,1 per 100 thousand women each year.

After 25 years or more, the woman who had been diagnosed suffered breasts cancer still had the risk of the suicide higher 35% were compared by the woman without breasts cancer. The risk of the suicide also increasingly big with the increase in the cancer stage, according to the researcher.

“Although the accumulation of the small suicide opportunity, results of the research suggested that the long-term maintenance program ought to for the woman who had suffered breasts cancer involve sides that cared and understood psychology,” the research concluded.